Quin Kelly, Jr.
Board of Directors
I am a lifelong native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. After graduating from Hillcrest High School in 2014, I was elected as the 2017-2018 SGA President at Stillman College, where I was able to build inclusive and collaborative spaces for students to foster change on campus. After graduating, I was honored with the distinction of becoming the first Presidential Leadership Fellow in the history of Stillman College and was invited into the 2019 class of Leadership Tuscaloosa. I currently maintain my role as an ambassador of the college and aide to President Cynthia Warrick for the college’s research efforts and special project commitments. Now I am pursuing a Masters of Public Health with a concentration in health education and promotion at The University of Alabama. Following my passion to advocate on behalf of student populations, I currently serve as the president of the Graduate Student Association, a member of the Blackburn Institute, and a graduate research fellow at the Crossroads Civic Engagement Center, where I study and lead workshops on civic engagement, the health of democracy, dialogue, and civic discourse.